Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Don't underestimate a Virtual Assistant

I'm a Virtual Assistant. Really, there is such a thing. I even have a web site. I get all kinds of reactions when I tell people what I do. Usually, something along the lines of "You're a WHAT? Howdya get to be one of those?"

If you are one of those people who don't know what a VA is (and I know you're out there), I suggest you check out AssistU, everything you want to know about being or getting a VA is right there (nanpatience - this is for you, thanks for asking!).

Last week, Stacy Brice (Founder of AssistU and thus, VA queen and guru) wrote a post in Virtual Moxie about VA's leaving work on the table.

This is the other half of that - don't underestimate a Virtual Assistant.

Here's the thing about being a VA. Your client asks you to do something. You either know how to do it, you learn how to do it or you help your client find someone else to do it. When I first partner with a client, I tell them to assume I can do everything until I tell them otherwise. Now, obviously, I can't do *everything*, but they've been surprised (and sometimes, so have I) at the things I *can* do.

If you have a VA, a good rule of thumb is to not do anything you don't love to do. Anything that doesn't make you jazzed just thinking about it should be off your list. From there, your VA can take and do the things she (or he) wants to do, and the two of you can work together to outsource the rest.

If you *are* a VA, follow Stacy's advice in her post. Also, be very clear in your own mind about the things you like to do and know that there may be things that neither you nor your client want on your lists - just have fabulous resources ready for those times.

So, although no one can do everything, don't underestimate your VA if you have one, and if you *are* one, don't underestimate yourself.

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