Yes, I've got it. Bad. The dreaded procrastination-itis.
I have a list a mile long (including "write your blog") and very few things crossed off. Do you know what's holding me back? Jeans. I need new jeans. We are going to Colorado, and somehow, I don't think my NC summer wear is going to cut it.
Why are jeans such a problem? I *hate* to shop. Hate it, hate it, hate it. My sister is like some crazed fashionista who can spend a day trying on clothes and go back and purchase the first thing she tried on. I think having to go along for that as a "tween" (that word didn't even exist back then) has scarred me for life.
So, I procrastinate. I read Facebook, Twitter, online forums, etc. ANYTHING except what's on my list. This has been going on for days. But now, I've started my recovery - cross "write your blog" off the list.
And We're Live!
8 years ago